視覺國際”—— 天趣藝術精品展 
金秋時分,迎來了2011年這盛大的國慶佳節,在這舉國歡慶的日子裡,天趣國際藝術沙龍(福州)與國內著名地產發展商三盛地產集團,攜手共同舉辦視覺國際”—— 天趣海外華人藝術家精品展,此次展覽誠邀了旅法藝術家林鳴崗、旅英藝術家王守清、旅美藝術家許恩琦、香港藝術家朱達成、國內著名青年藝術家倪志強、陳寶國等海內外知名華人藝術家,將展出其油畫、雕塑及水墨等精品力作。藝術家們多旅居海外,深受東西方文化的薰陶,在傳統與當代的碰撞中,每位藝術家的作品都呈現出豐富多樣的表現形式,為廣大的藝術愛好者及收藏家們再次呈現高水準、高層次的藝術盛宴!天趣歡迎您蒞臨參觀!
時間:2011101日至7日  ( 9:00 am - 6:00 pm )
地點:福建福州秀峰路東園      三盛國際公園新行銷中心(會所)

“Visual International – The Art Of Nature Fine Arts Exhibition” 
As we are going to celebrate the National Day in Autumn, the Art Of Nature International Saloon (Fuzhou) collaborates with Sansheng Properties, a renowned developer in Mainland China, to organize “Visual International – The Art Of Nature Fine Arts Exhibition”. In this exhibition, we will invite Mr. Lin Minggang, Mr. Wang Shouqing, Mr. Xu Enqi, Mr. Chu Tat-shing, and several distinguished Mainland artists such as Mr. Yi Zhiqiang & Mr.Chen Bao Guo. These participating artists will demonstrate their creative fruits in different mediums, including oil paintings, sculptures and Chinese-ink paintings. As these artists were deeply influenced by their overseas experiences, their creativities comprise an integration between Oriental and Occidental cultures. Once there’s a collision between tradition and contemporary, every artist exposes to diversified modes of expressions. This is a very meaningful occasion to connect with the art collectors. The Art Of Nature welcomes your honorable presence!
Time: 1 – 7 October 2011 ( 9:00 am - 6:00 pm )
Venue: Sansheng International Park New Merchandise Center (Club House), Fuzhou Xiufeng Road East Garden, Fujian Province
天趣網址:www.msctq.com               萬城網址:www.msc.cn

電話:591-87410618   傳真:591-87862266
海外聯繫方式:電話:852-24937287   傳真:852-24168792

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