Inspired by travels in India...

For their spring release, the Innovations Design Studio assembled a collection inspired by their travels, especially in India, and the aesthetic exchange between the East and the West that developed in the 18th century. Vivid colours, patterns and textures - and a nostalgia for natural materials and traditional craftsmanship - are the experiences that the 10 new wallcoverings share.

“Travel is our passion, and more thank any other place, India is a visceral assault on your senses
– the colours, the textures, the tastes, the smells– there’s inspiration everywhere. With this collection we wanted to explore that, but also to incorporate our Western aesthetic and new materials”, says Vice President of Sales Michael Freedman.

Rangoli | Drawing from the vibrant folk art of India, Rangoli reinterprets traditional motifs made of sand and flower petals into colourful printing on metallic foil. A Type II vinyl wallcovering with a smooth non-woven backing, Rangoli's iridescent diamonds fill a space with modern glamour.

Arpora | evokes a visit to India’s colourful Beach Belt town with aquatic blues, sandy neutrals and spicy accents straight from Arpora’s Saturday night market. The strongly horizontal grasscloth like texture has the durability of a Type II vinyl wallcovering.

Orissa | Strips of pleated paper, drenched in glossy metallic colour, line up in the modern patchwork of Orissa. Like the "Soul of India" - full of ancient temples and exquisite arts - the Innovirments wallcovering reframes traditional art for a new aesthetic. 

Mayfair | Mayfair marries Indian inspiration with Western tailoring. Layers of beautiful, luxe materials create a decadent design: gilt printing on cork veneers on a metallic paper base make any of Mayfair’s seven colours an exquisite addition to any home.

Best Regards,
Clifford To

Altfield Enterprises Limited

1101, Nine Queen’s Road Central,

Hong Kong

Mob: 852-9236-4499/ 86-152-19431319

Tel: 852-2524-4867 Fax: 852-2524-5676

