
1 — Duca #004
Impressive Tropical design initially hand-painted and then expertly turned into this unique printing design. 這款產品擁有令人印象深刻的熱帶風格手繪原創設計,通過嫺熟的工藝,使得這一手工原創設計,成為此款產品,所特有的獨特印花圖案設計。是窗簾和室內裝潢的理想之選。
2, 3, 7 — Reame #004, #005, #001
Substantial structure in yarn-dyed with a mélange aspect. Ideal for upholstery and curtains. 這款產品由紛繁的色織結構打造出混搭風格。是內飾和窗簾的理想之選。
4 — Corona #004
Printed soft velvet of viscose with an unprecedented design chine effect “animal skin”. Suitable for every use. 柔軟的印花天鵝絨搭配前所未有的chinè effect設計,打造出獨特的“獸皮”效果。是日常生活的理想之選。
5 — Fortezza #001
Prince of Wales made of fabric with a rustic feel and very dry hand. Ideal for upholstery and curtains. Prince of Wales選用織物材質打造,有一種質樸乾爽的感覺。是內飾和窗簾的理想之選。
6 — Cavaliere #005
Article 100% linen, with a vintage appearance, hand and color. “Passpartout” for home decoration. 此款產品採用100%亞麻材質,能夠呈現出一種極富復古風情的外觀、手感和色彩。家居裝飾專用的“Passpartout”是室內裝飾的理想之選。
8 — Corte #001
Small geometric appealing pattern, presented in bright colors and mélange. Rustic flavor, made with 100% natural fibers. 小巧的幾何圖案、鮮豔的色彩和混雜風格令人眼前一亮。採用100%天然纖維,呈現出質樸的韻味。
9 — Trono #003
Classic stripes and elegant precious duchesse satin silk.

1,7 — Cavaliere #004, #003
2 — Corte #004
3 — Morgana #001
Fabric of excellence for technology development and for composition. This floral design was painted specifically for the collection BROCHIER and then expertly transformed into this luxurious jacquard. Ideal for upholstery and curtains of luxurious decor.
4 — Dama #002
Small geometric timeless pattern with a mixed composition. Silk, wool and cashmere create a sophisticated three-dimensional game.
5 — Specchio #001
Chanel style pattern, a perfect solution for elegant and soft upholstery in a modern house.
6, 8, 9 — Reame #006, #001, #007
Substantial structure in yarn-dyed with a mélange aspect. Ideal for upholstery and curtains.
10 — Corona #005