Altfield Gallery
For Immediate Release

Dates: 5 - 20 April 2013

Crowned Buddha
Crowned Buddha
Burma, Shan States, late 18th century
The ALTFIELD GALLERY is proud to present Fine Decorative Arts from Burma, showcasing exceptional works from the major categories of Burmese art, dating from the late 18th century to mid-20th century. The pieces were created for the domestic market, functioning as utilitarian and religious objects, with examples made in different media to include stone, wood, bronze, lacquer, silver, silk and cotton. The breadth and the quality of objects assembled provide a comprehensive overview of this country’s diverse artistic production, representing its rich cultural heritage and the skilled workmanship of the artisans employed.
Sculptural representations of the Buddha are highly revered and these objects were used in homes and temples to aid worship. On display are a selection of 18th and 19th century Buddha sculptures from Mandalay and the Shan States including pieces in alabaster, bronze and wood, often using lacquer as a finishing surface or gilding the completed sculpture. We will also feature a small group of monks and the Buddha’s attendants made in carved wood and decorated with gilt lacquer. Offering Vessel
Offering vessel (hsun-ok)
Burma, 20th century
Red lacquer on wood
Lacquerware is found in all Burmese households. The durability and affordability of this medium has enabled it to penetrate all levels of society, with vessels produced for both religious and secular purposes. The objects on display are primarily used for food storage and ceremonial temple offerings, such as betel nut boxes, raised trays, bowls and votive vessels. There is also an extensive selection of palm leaf kammavaca manuscripts, or Burmese bibles. These manuscripts are inscribed with religious texts from the Pali Vinaya, which provide the rules of conduct for monks in the monastic system. It consists of a set of rectangular boards, which are richly decorated with the square shaped tamarind seed script in red or black lacquer on a gold leaf ground.
Box with signs of the zodiac
Box with signs of the zodiac
Burma, late 19th - early 20th century
Burmese silversmiths are renowned for their level of craftsmanship, excelling in repoussé and chasing. The principal modes of decoration are high relief, noted for its dramatic sculptural forms and the restrained and delicate ornamentation associated with low relief. Popular themes for silver decoration are the signs of the zodiac, represented by lively animals and mythical creatures and the ornate figures in high relief depicting scenes from the Jataka tales. Of interest are manuscript cases, bowls, betel nut boxes, receptacles and containers, often with a maker’s mark.
Textile weaving is a living art with widespread production throughout Burma. Locally produced cotton and silk, which was largely imported from China, are commonly used. We will feature examples of luntaya-acheik and supplementary weft textiles from the Chin and Arakan states produced in the 20th century. Luntaya-acheik is a silk textile woven into an interlocking tapestry design of stripes and waves with striking colour combinations. These textiles are highly valued, as they are both extremely labourious and time consuming to produce. Luntaya-acheik
Burma, early-mid 20th century
Woven silk

For further information or images, please contact Alice Hoi or Charmaine Lim at 25376370 or

Altfield Gallery, 248-9 Prince's building, Central, Hong Kong   

Altfield Gallery

日期: 2013年4月5日至20日

緬甸坐佛 雪花膏石
藝苑很榮幸有機會舉行緬甸的裝飾藝術展覽,珍品巧奪天工,來自十八世紀末至二十世紀中期。當時製作的目的主要為滿足本土需要, 應付日常生活的實用性和宗教用途,展品亦包括不同的媒體, 例如石頭,木材,青銅器,漆器,銀器,絲綢和棉花。展品瑰麗奪目的設計和匠心獨運的造工, 一窺豐富的緬甸文化歷史。
漆器在緬甸家庭的應用上相當普遍。既耐用,價格又相宜,無論是用作宗教祭祀亦或是普羅大眾生活所需的器皿,也深深影響著社會各階層。展品主要用於糧食儲存,禮儀或寺廟慶典,例如檳榔盒,托盤,碗和器具。此外,還有用kammavaca棕葉製造的珍貴手稿,又稱緬甸聖經。這些手稿都刻有宗教經文,Pali Vinaya 巴利文律 ,它記載了僧侶的在寺院遵守的規則。它是由一組多塊矩形的板所組成,在金箔面上塗上紅色或黑色的亮漆。
緬甸 十二生肖銀盒
緬甸銀器的手工精細,工藝超凡,擅長於錘沖凸紋和細工。高浮雕的裝飾,凸顯其雕塑造型,淺浮雕則著重細膩描繪。銀器裝飾的圖案常有十二星座,動物和神獸的生動描繪,而高浮雕更凸顯 Jataka神話故事中人物個性和景象。展品有特色的儲存手搞的盒子,碗,檳榔盒,容器和器皿,每個均刻有製造工匠的名字。
紡織在緬甸十分重要,更是一種生活的藝術。當地紡織品常用的棉花和絲綢,主要是從中國入口的。是次展覽包括有luntaya-acheik 和二十世紀從下巴和阿拉幹州的紡織品。Luntaya-acheik 是用絲綢製造,編織成的條紋掛毯設計,色彩秀麗。這些紡織品價值不菲,因為每件都是人手製造,手工精細,生產費時。 二十世紀中緬甸絲織物
二十世紀中 緬甸 絲織物

如有任何問題,歡迎致電 2537 6370 或電郵 聯繫許原理或林明慧,謝謝。

傲斐藝苑香港中環遮打道十號太子大廈248-249室  電話:2537 6370