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24 May—9 June 2013
Altfield Gallery is pleased to present a collection of fine Chinese chairs in their ay exhibition. China is the only East Asian country to have a fully developed range of furniture in its repertoire. The introduction of chair prototypes in the Tang dynasty (618-906), believed to come with the Buddhist faith from India, transformed the Chinese mat level culture to a high level of seating in China. This transformation resulted not only in the change of sitting habits, but also in the adaptation of the furniture around the chairs, architecture, lifestyle, social manner and even the style of clothes. |
The phrase “The number one folding chair” is synonymous to “being the top person” In the Chinese language. Chairs in Chinese historical culture were a symbol of status. The type, form, size and placement of chairs symbolized the status of the persons sitting on them and were subject to a hierarchy of rules. The chairs crafted with refinement and details in the best quality woods, having back and armrests, and placed in the highest centre and focal position, were for the most important people in the room. The use of soft woven cane seats, rugs and cushions, decorative textile throws and furs were employed to provide a degree of comfort to the hard wooden surfaces, as China never developed soft upholstery. Since attention was placed on the carved form of the chairs themselves with their lack of upholstery, chairs in China have very pronounced sculptural lines, and as a result they are wonderful sculptural additions to any interior and work well with contemporary schemes. They have evolved to display forms ranging from restrained and minimalistic to highly ornate and elaborate. |
Featured in this exhibition are many different types of 19th century chairs made for the homes of the ‘Scholar Gentleman’ class, which exhibit simplicity and elegance as well as the decorative carved details of the Ming style.
For high resolution image, please contact Alice Hoi at 2537 6370, thank you.
Altfield Gallery, 248-9 Prince's Building, Central, Hong Kong www.altfield.com.hk |
日期: 2013年5月24日 - 6月9日
藝苑很榮幸有機會在5月舉辦中式古典椅子的展覽。中國的古典家具是在東南亞國家中發展最全面的。椅子, 可追溯至唐朝(618-906年),相信是受印度的佛教影響,從席地跪坐的文化到升高的坐椅文化。這種轉變不單只改變了坐姿的習慣,更而影響椅子及周遭家具的發展,以至建築,生活方式,社交,甚至衣服的風格。 |
俗語有云”第一把交椅”,是中國文化中”第一”的稱號。在中國歷史文化中椅子是一種身份的象徵。椅子的造型,大小和擺放位置, 代表著社會各階層的身分地位及官階。細緻雕刻的椅子,加上最優秀的木材,並加上靠背板和扶手,擺放大堂正中的位置,代表最重要的達官貴人。為了令椅子更舒適,有時會在木板表面加上軟蓆,毛毯,坐墊,墊子,裝飾的絲綢或皮草,增加一定程度的舒適度。中式的椅子從來沒有布藝裝飾,郤重視家具造型的簡潔, 內斂和細緻的線條,讓優雅的古典家具,融入現代室內設計的生活。 |
是次展覽更展出多款不同類型的19世紀 文人雅士專用的椅子,反映明代家具的精細雕工,簡潔和典雅樸實的風格。
如有任何問題,歡迎致電2537 6370 或電郵gallery@altfield.com.hk 與許小姐聯絡,謝謝。
藝苑香港中環遮打道十號太子大廈248-249室 |