Altfield is pleased to present an exhibition of fine furniture
in the literati taste, exemplifying the discreet and intelligent
connoisseurship of the Chinese literati.
The choice of furniture commissioned and purchased by the literati possesses the highest standards in style, simplicity, balance, proportion, quality and workmanship, while paying attention to form and function with regard to aesthetics and practicality.
Featuring in our exhibition are fine Chinese furniture pieces from the 18th and 19th century, including side tables and stands, chairs, day beds, a striking group of cabinets, book chests, meditation stools, along many more other fine pieces.
From top:
Couch bed with fretwork railings & cabriole legs, elmwood, Shanxi, 18th C., 89.5 x 48 x 41.5 inches H
Pair of southern official hat armchairs, elmwood, Shanxi, 19th C., 24 x 19 x 36 inches H each
Fine long altar coffer, walnut, Sha’anxi, 18th C., 94 x 20 x 31 inches H
Pair of stools, elmwood, Hebei, 19th C., 19 x 19 x 20 inches H each
Pair of large meditation stools, elmwood, Henan, 19th C., 35 x 35 x 21 inches H each