An interesting group of Burmese sculptures have been assembled and brought into the gallery this month. The group includes piecescarved from solid alabaster, forged in bronze, finely carved in wood, or formed in papier maché and lacquer. Dating from the late 18th and 19th centuries, they display the fine creative talents of the craftsmen who were commissioned to make them.
As with all such Buddhist sculpture, the serenity of the countenance is of primary importance, the peaceful and contemplative expression of the face being a defining characteristic of all such sculpture.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Gallery to see our collection. |
248-9 Prince's Building, Central Tel: 2537 6370 Open: Mon-Sat 10-7 & Sun 11-5 |
9/F Gee Chang Hong Centre 65 Wong Chuk Hang Rd., Aberdeen T. 2552 1968 Open: Fri-Sat 10-5, by appointment at other times | |