My name is c.j., and
here's the January 2008 issue of Psyche-Selling
eNewsletter, and Happy New Year to you all!
people make resolutions at the beginning of the year. Sometime
into the year, most have forgotten what their resolutions were.
The 2
articles in this issue relate to some resolutions that you may want your
sales force to make throughout the whole year:
How to Make Sales People
Change Their Bad Habits; and
the Sales Force to Cross-Sell;
This issue's main article is on "How
to Make Sales People Change Their Bad Habits",
and it deals with one major frustration that most sales managers face -
getting sales people to change for the better.
In brief:
Each day, sales
managers are plagued by sales people's bad habits ranging from
the unwillingness to prospect more to not asking enough
questions to understand the customer to simply complaining all
the time;
Yet, despite the
best efforts to cajole or threaten these sales people, they are
just so unwilling to change;
In the end, it
will take a combination of various factors to make sales people
change for the better.
To read the rest of this
newsletter, pls. click
here (http://www.psycheselling.com/page4.html).
How to Make Sales People Change Their Bad
by c.j. Ng
The hardest part of a sales manager's job is perhaps getting sales
people to change for the better.
In my
2007 issue, I
mentioned that one of the root causes of poor price negotiation is sales
people are poor, or lazy, in prospecting. Hence, they would rather
give in to price pressures, than to prospect for more qualified
Poor prospecting is just one of the
many bad habits that sales people have, and the list may include: -
Complaining too much and doing
too little;
Talking too much and asking too
Not understanding customers'
hidden needs;
Spending too much time on unimportant things;
Arguing with customers and badmouthing
Unwilling to share information and cross-sell;
Investing the entire relationship with the customers' organisation
with just only 1 contact person; etc.
The challenge of sales managers isn't so much of identifying what bad
sales habits that their sales people have. It's not even about coming up
with solutions on how to break those bad habits. It's about
getting their sales people to change those bad habits.
Why Sales People Don't
Change Their Bad Habits?
Sales people stick to their bad habits for a variety of reasons.
It's not purely because they are stubborn or resistant to change.
It's more than that. Some of these reasons are:
- They don't see a clear
connection between changing those bad habits and better
sales performances;
- They are not given due
recognition even when they change those habits (sales
managers simply give recognition to the end result - sales,
but seldom for improvements in the sales process);
- They don't have
anything to lose even if they don't make any changes (if
it's NOT measured, then it's NOT done!)
First and foremost, sales managers would have to let their sales
people understand why they will have to do something uncomfortable
like making more phone calls to higher-level people, or to ask
customers some sensitive questions or building more contacts within
the client organisation.
To some people, especially
those who are accustomed to some entrenched behaviours, making such
changes can be a real pain. As such, sales managers can help
by making them see the "brightness of the future", i.e. how making
such changes will have some immediate impact on the closure or the
profitability of the deal.
Giving Due Recognition
sales people are rewarded only when they close sales. However,
the amount of sales closed is the result of the selling process of
the sales person who had put into place prior to that.
Hence, if
managers are convinced that by getting rid of certain bad sales
habits, they will get better results from sales people, then
managers will have to take a more active role in reinforcing the
elimination of bad habits, and the adoption of good ones.
One way of
doing so effectively is to give due recognition for any improvements
made by sales people who have eliminated or reduce some of the bad
sales habits. One thing to note is that giving recognition is
NOT the same as giving someone general praises. The
recognition has to be specifically addressing the positive change
made by the sales person. An example will be:
"Sue, I have
noticed that you are having more appointments with key decision
makers recently. I believe that if you continue this good
work, and are able to find out what their real needs are, you are
going to close some great deals!"
In this
particular instance, the manager states specifically what the
recognition is for, and also tells the sales person what else she
needs to improve on, and what she can get if she makes those
Unfortunately, most managers tend to focus just on the negative
aspects of what their sales people are doing wrong, and forgot about
reinforcing what they are already doing right. This is not to
say that managers should be "soft" on sales people; rather it's just
to give recognition where it's due, and let he sales person know
that someone is really watching over them.
What Gets Measured Gets Done
Ultimately, sales people are shrewd
people, and will at times do something only if they know what
punishment befalls onto them if it's not done.
Usually, sales people who
complain too much and did nothing to help themselves tend to
fall under this categories. Their complains include:
"Our price is just too high";
"If only we had more advertising";
"Those key people would not want to
see me";
"You didn't teach us the 'perfect
pitch' that will make any customer say yes";
"I don't have the resources to provide
those additional information in my proposal";
"I don't have time to fill in customers' data into our database";
"That's not my job";
and so on
some people complain just to vent frustrations. Other times,
complains are means to find excuses of doing the things that need to be
If the latter
happens frequently, it's usually a sign that the sales manager hasn't
been putting in place certain measurements to measure sales people's
behaviour (and not just sales revenue). If sales people would have
to find out needs and justify value over price, then those behaviour
would either be recognised more doing, or penalised for not doing.
Leaving a desired behaviour to chance is not going to motivate any sales
person to do what it takes to change for the better.
As such, there are times when
the reason why sales people could not change their bad habits could be
this simple - because the sales manager allows them to. Sales
managers will have to be diligent and keep a good eye on what good sales
habits they want from their team, and take action to eliminate to help
each sales person those bad habits.
If you
would like to find out how you can make your sales
people change their bad habits, simply
or call +86-13671902505 or Skype:
cydj001 and
arrange to buy me coffee.
All information shall be kept in confidence

Case in Point:
Refocusing the Sales Force to Cross-Sell
Many salespeople resist cross-selling, so management must address their
misgivings head on and convince them of its benefits.
Philippe Duclos, Rodolfo Luzardo, and Yasir H. Mirza
Business units within large organizations often resist company-wide
cross-selling initiatives. The operating units of an industrial-products
company, for example, had a track record of rebelling when asked to
share customer-specific sales records. This aversion to cross-selling
became problematic when the company recognized that assembling and
selling bundles of products from different business units was critical
if it hoped to exploit its most compelling growth opportunity: a
previously unaddressed midsize tier of customers. Moreover, the
company’s practice of rewarding business unit leaders and salespeople on
the basis of individual performance—not their support for the efforts of
others—thwarted cross-selling endeavors. One business unit executive
said, “I actively discouraged my sales team from playing ball, because
it didn’t help our business unit.”
The company’s leaders weren’t confident that the business units had the
will to develop or implement a new incentive system. Further,
salespeople held a deep-seated bias against sharing information, because
they believed that doing so was quite risky. Their concerns—often born
of experience—included fears that other units would disappoint their
customers with late deliveries, anxiety about the quality of some
products that were candidates for bundling, and a general belief that
disparities in the importance of customers to different business units
could undermine relationships that were critical to one unit but not
another. To promote cross-selling, the company would therefore have to
allay such concerns while shifting mind-sets from “How do I protect my
business?” to “How can the company strengthen its relationships with
customers and boost profits?”
To address these interrelated incentive and mind-set issues, the company
developed a series of somewhat unorthodox workshops for salespeople,
business unit leaders, and sales managers. Some of the workshops
encouraged people to reflect on their tolerance for risk, their high and
low career moments, and their motivations at work. These exercises led
many sales reps to recognize that the foundation of their desire for
strong customer relationships was a need to have something to offer
potential employers. Demonstrating that effective cross-selling efforts
could actually strengthen relationships, and thus help salespeople
achieve their personal aims, was critical in exciting them about the new
initiatives. More senior executives came to see that risk aversion was
driving many of their decisions and that the risk to their own careers
would rise considerably as the company’s growth slowed—a problem the new
cross-selling efforts were designed to overcome.
As a result, it became far easier for business unit leaders to have
faith that if they addressed their own delivery and quality issues,
their counterparts in other business units would as well. Increased
trust also spurred them to urge their sales groups to agree on a new
compensation system that tied 10 percent of each salesperson’s bonus to
peer assessments of his or her individual contribution to collaborative
sales efforts.
Meanwhile, sales managers created and led small teams of sales reps from
a number of business units to flesh out the details of account plans for
shared customers. Sales managers and high-performing sales reps served
as “navigators” who provided hands-on coaching to frontline sales teams
and circulated early success stories to overcome skepticism. A priority
was to familiarize salespeople with a new data-sharing system and a
dashboard of metrics, including the number of joint sales calls, the
percentage of offerings that bundled products from more than one
business unit, and the percentage of sales—for a given client or
territory—that involved collaboration across business units. Such
metrics let salespeople see whether joint sales teams were making
progress with specific customers and convinced many that the new
cross-selling goals weren’t just empty talk. As the mind-set of
cooperation took hold, salespeople identified opportunities to raise the
company’s total revenues by 25 percent solely through cross-selling.
Past experience and ingrained beliefs make many salespeople
uncomfortable when a company promotes collaboration or the sharing of
risks and rewards. This pattern also holds for other kinds of efforts,
such as enlisting product or technology specialists from the engineering
or R&D departments to support the sale of complex offerings. Resistance
frequently stems from the cost of these specialists, which can reduce
the commissions of salespeople. In such situations, it’s critical for
leaders to convince them that specialists can raise sales far more than
expenses. Conversely, encouraging salespeople to boost prices or avoid
discounting may often depend on convincing them that it is acceptable to
trade some volume for higher margins. In our experience, companies
hoping to change the entrenched behavior of a sales force must
understand its deeper motivations and address these through disciplined
communication, role modeling, skill building, and support systems.
About the Authors
Philippe Duclos is a principal in McKinsey’s Paris office, Rodolfo
Luzardo is an associate principal in the Miami office, and Yasir Mirza
is an associate principal in the Atlanta office.
About PsycheSelling.com
As you might have heard of them,
the most common
challenges faced by sales people in any country, and across
nearly every industry, are as follow:
Unable to qualify for the right customers;
Unable to generate interest through the telephone;
Unable to get to the right people (who may or may not be whom
you think);
Unable to define the decision making structure of customers;
Unable to get customers interested and excited about what you
have to offer;
Unable to sustain customers’ interest through the sales cycle;
Unable to get past clients’ objections and close the sale
Spending too much time with proposals that seem to go nowhere
Unable to sell deeper to the same customers
Having these concerns in mind,
the Psyche-Selling
is created
as a result of 1-to-1 coaching with sales people from a variety of
industries across 13 cities in Asia.
Psyche-Selling TM
is currently a co-affiliate of the
HR Chally Group, together with
Shi Bisset & Associates,
to help you identify gaps in your current sales force, and then
formulate ways to help you get better results.
The HR Chally Group is a talent management, leadership
development, and sales improvement corporation providing personnel
assessment and research services for over 33 years. Chally is
recognised as an international technology leader in scientific
assessment and prediction for selection, job alignment and leadership
development, and for management assessment. For more information
about implementing Total Quality Sales Management in your company, pls.
log on to
http://www.psycheselling.com/TQSM-ExecBrief_email.pdf to get more