Course: Low & Simple? Dispelling Common Myths About Hong Kong Tax (Ref: LPC20190222)
Date: 22 February 2019 (Fri) Fee: HK$1,500 CPD Points: 3 CPD points (to be applied for)
Time: 2:00pm to 5:15pm Level: Intermediate Language: English
Venue: 14/F., Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong
Mr. Stefano Mariani, Counsel, Deacons
Course Outline:
1. A brief introduction to Hong Kong’s tax system, and why it matters to practitioners
2. Myth 1: Hong Kong has a simple tax regime
a. IRO has almost doubled in size since 2014
b. Early 20th century language struggles to adapt to 21st century transactions
c. Double Taxation Agreements and transfer pricing
3. Myth 2: Hong Kong has a purely territorial taxing regime
a. Strict territoriality has been eroded in recent case law and IRD practice
b. Principle of avoidance of double non-taxation
c. Substance requirements and the demands of international taxation
4. Myth 3: Estate duty has been abolished
5. Myth 4: The Inland Revenue Department is efficient and business friendly
a. IRD is increasingly aggressive – operates as though Hong Kong has a general income tax
and capital gains tax
b. Delays and errors
c. Bureaucratic and unresponsive structure means slower response times, and worse decisions
6. Myth 5: Lawyers don’t need to worry about tax
a. Increasingly complex tax rules combined with an aggressive revenue mean an increase
in tax litigation
b. 1990s style tax structuring simply doesn’t work anymore
c. An awareness of tax and tax risks is crucial to advise effectively on corporate, real estate,
finance, and private wealth matters
Enroll before 22/1/2019 to get Early Bird Price at HK$1,200 !
If you are interested in this course, please visit our website:
For enrolment, please send a duly completed Application Form together with a cheque
in the sum of HK$1,500 to Legal Professional Courses Limited
Address: P.O. Box no. 3567, General Post Office, Hong Kong Fax: 3007 9137 Tel: 2889 3318 Email: