Little Giant Newsletter March 18.2011

Radiation Detox Clay
Radiation Detox Clay Kit to protect against radiation

Magnetic Clay and supplements help these diseases

This Clay Bath Assists in Eliminating

All types of radiation and radioactive residues

Sources of Radiation

Computers, microwaves, cell phones, most electronics, industrial pollution, nuclear plants, x-rays, chemotherapy, irradiated foods, nuclear warfare, military grade weapons (depleted uranium shells, etc…). This silent killer is present everywhere and we are exposed daily to it in our technical world and in our atmosphere.

Related Symptoms of Radiation Toxicity

Anxiety, hysteria, insatiable hunger, dizziness and vertigo, rheumatic pains, hearing problems, complete exhaustion, extreme tiredness, mood swings, hot and cold flashes, gastric distress, migraine headaches, memory loss, flu like symptoms, nausea, suppressed immune system, low red and white blood cell counts, infertility, and more.

The benefits of using Magnetic Clay Baths:

The baths are an untreated, unaltered product, used for thousands of years utilizing the Earth's natural healing properties.

The baths safe and effective as an aid to detoxification when used according to the bath instructions. One bath releases years of toxic environmental pollutants that have been accumulating--out of your body and into the bathtub.


The baths are inexpensive and do not require costly equipment. They can save you hundreds of dollars and lots of time compared to chelation therapy and other forms of environmental detoxification programs.

The baths can be taken in the privacy of your own home, with minimal inconvenience.
Healing properties can be maximized if used in combination with other cleansing and maintenance programs.

Formulas of all natural spices and herbs have been synergistically tested as well as specific testing for amounts to maximize the effectiveness of each formula.

Has been tested to show that metals and chemicals are removed through the use of these special formulas. Test results have also shown that the clay detox bath detoxifies metals from the body much faster than other types of chelation.

The baths can be used by children and the elderly.

The clay formulas have no emulsifiers or chemical additives to them for easier mixing.

We have found no other clay that has as much natural “pulling power” as LL’s Magnetic Clay!

Clay Bath Instructional Guide:



排毒浴泥套装可有助消除我們日常生活中所接觸到的幅射及放射性殘餘物,包括來自電腦、微波爐、手提電話、大部份電子器材、工業污染、核電廠、X-光、化 療、經幅射污染之食物、核戰、鈾原料。基本上,在這個科技時代裡,如此這般的污染可謂無處不在。

緊張、歇斯底里、常感饑餓、頭暈、眩暈、風濕痛、聽覺問題、疲憊不堪、情緒波動、潮熱、潮冷、腸胃不適、偏頭痛、失憶、類似感冒的症狀、噁心、免疫力低 下、白血球及紅血球低、不育等等。


用法:把浴泥跟排毒草本, 以杓子之類混和. 存於 "乾爽陰涼" 處
用時依照盒子內附表, 跟據體重酌用, 例如用半杯, 可把少量暖熱水跟浴泥拌溶, 再放洗澡水, 把溶液倒入洗澡水中拌勻。儘量把孩子全身浸於水中, 時間亦是依據盒子內附表指示, 一般約數分鐘。
浴後再淋一淋浴洗乾淨, 熱後替孩子保暖, 給他喝杯熱飲, 讓他relax 休息一下。




Little Giant - Your Health & Allergy Store
15/F Chung Wai Commercial Building, 447-449 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2573-3610