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  Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
 立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉 

WK LO's LegCo Express
July 2013

1. Landfills extension to accommodate waste in Hong Kong
I have repeatedly expressed to the media my position, which I believe is also a general view of engineers, that "reduction, recycling and proper waste treatment" are all needed urgently in Hong Kong. I have also been advocating modern incineration technology that turns waste to energy. It is disappointing that today landfill is still the only solution for disposition of waste in Hong Kong. This is the fact unfortunately, and thus extension of the landfills is unavoidable. I support the extension of landfills, while I continue to advocate waste reduction, recycling and the installation of modern incinerators in Hong Kong. 

The Environment Bureau's proposals to extend the landfills were put forward to the Public Works Subcommittee of the Finance Committee on 26 June, which was later continued on 2 July. However, the Bureau withdrew the proposal of the SENT landfill extension. The other two proposals were voted on 2 July, and were supported eventually, though the proposal on WENT was only passed with a small margin. I supported the two proposals at that meeting.  

The withdrawal of the SENT landfill extension proposal has triggered very strong opposition to the extension of WENT in the community. Furthermore, filibustering at the Committee was expected, as announced by some councillors.  

When the proposals to fund the extension of NENT and to fund the study of WENT were put forward to the Finance Committee on 12 July, The Hon James TIEN moved motions to adjourn the discussion on the two proposals. I was against James' motions, and I expressed that we should give the administration the opportunity to explain at the Finance Committee the actions to mitigate the nuisance and to improve the environment of the affected areas. The two motions of The Hon James Tien's were carried at the meeting. 

With the fact that discussion of the landfill extension proposals at the Finance Committee is now deferred to after the summer break, the administration should have time to show more solid mitigating actions to the local community. 

2. Chairman’s report of the Subcommittee on Building (Minor Works) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 and Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 (Commencement) Notice
I delivered the Chairman’s report on the deliberation of the Subcommittee on Building (Minor Works) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 and Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 (Commencement) Notice at the LegCo meeting on 17 July. The Subcommittee has held three meetings and received views from the public at one of the meetings. The Subcommittee reviewed the Signboard Control System and discussed several issues regarding five-year validity period, existing unauthorized signboards fixed to the common parts of a building, and the information to be submitted for validation. No amendment was proposed.

3. Review of the Telecommunications Engineer grade in the Office of the Communications Authority 
I met representatives of Telecommunications Engineer (TE) grade of the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), who expressed strong objection to the proposed subsuming of TE to the grade of Regulatory Affairs Manager. I relayed the view to the Government and urged the administration not to take the subsuming option. At meeting of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting on 8 July, OFCA confirmed that the subsuming option would not be adopted. I will continue to follow up on the issue in future. 

4. Promoting the waste recycling industry to create employment opportunities 
On 10 July, I moved an amendment to the motion of “Promoting the Waste Recycling Industry to Create Employment Opportunities” and urged the Government to: offer financial incentives to support the industry’s construction of modern recycling facilities for stepping up the recovery and recycling of waste requiring higher processing costs and technologies; set up a center for industrialization and development of environmental protection technologies to support the development of environmental protection technologies, vet new technologies, and promote technology transfer and co-operation; and support the industry’s non-local sale of local green products and technologies for promoting a regional circular economy; and enhance the co-operation with the Mainland in the areas of waste recovery, handling and recycling, etc. My amendment was passed at the meeting. 

5. Impact of the United States' ending the quantitative easing measures
I moved an amendment to the motion “Impact of the United States’ Ending the Quantitative Easing Measures” on 10 July. I urged the Government to take precautions by fully evaluating the impacts of a market reversal, on Hong Kong’s overall economy and labour market, push forward infrastructure projects in a timely manner, maintain sustainable economic growth and the momentum of the labour market. I suggested the administration to formulate a long-term infrastructure planning, and to review existing infrastructure list so as to determine priority of implementation, in order to stimulate the economy, create jobs, improve people’s livelihood and promote social prosperity and stability. My amendment was passed at the meeting. 

6. Subcommittee on proposed resolutions under the Bankruptcy Ordinance and the Companies Ordinance 
The Official Receiver's Office (ORO) has recently conducted a review of its statutory fees, charges and deposits. After taking into account their existing levels and actual operating revenue and costs, it is projected that the ORO will achieve cost recovery rate at 111% in the financial year 2013-14. As such, the administration has proposed to revise ORO's fees, charges and deposits such as reducing the fixed fees and statutory "minimum fees" for bankruptcy and winding-up cases; reducing the statutory deposits for bankruptcy and court winding-up cases; and replacing the "realisation fee" by a fixed fee. To this end, a subcommittee was formed to study these rules and orders and I have joined the subcommittee in July. 

7. Subcommittee on Arbitration (Appointment of Arbitrators and Mediators and Decision on Number of Arbitrators) Rules
The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), in exercise of the power of the new Arbitration Ordinance effective from 1 June 2011, made the Arbitration (Appointment of Arbitrators and Mediators and Decision on Number of Arbitrators) Rules. These Arbitration Rules are an adaptation of the existing Arbitration Rules and modified by the New Ordinance. The Arbitration Rules are intended to facilitate the HKIAC’s performance on the default appointment of an arbitrator, the decision on the number of arbitrators, and the default appointment of a mediator. The date of commencement is 2 December 2013. In order to study the rules in details, a Subcommittee was set up and I have joined it in July.

8. Support local technologies and make in Hong Kong preferred
The item of facilitating digital economy under the Digital 21 Strategy was discussed at the meeting of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting on 8 July. I expressed my concern that the Government does not actively encourage the use of technologies developed locally. I urged the Government to review its procurement process in order to adopt more high-quality local technology products and services. 

 II. Articles Published
 1. 設專責架構 對抗人口老化《經濟日報》2013年7月5日

 2. 優化監管機制 落實西九計劃《大公報》2013年7月24日

 3. 制訂政策提升港網絡安全水平《星島日報》2013年7月31日

Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
6 August, 2013
 Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express 
  Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
Room 709, 7/F, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong 
香港中區立法會道1號 立法會綜合大樓7樓709室
Tel 電話 : 2539 0610  | Fax 傳真 : 2539 0621 
 Email 電郵 : wklo@engineer.com  | Website 網頁: www.irdrwklo.hk