reasonable-noclone-s.gifNoClone's approach to file compression 
- Reasonable Archiver v1.1


Thanks for downloading NoClone and subscribed newsletter. As We are writing to introduce to you a new file compression software from Reasonable Software House Limited, which is enhanced by NoClone technology:

Reasonable Archiver

Archiver is a new file compression tool, which distinguish itself from traditional file compression with optimized compression ratio.
Using technology in
Reasonable NoClone, Archiver optimizes compression by removing exact and partial duplicates in both file level and data level, providing yet the best compression ratio, and thus further reduce the size of your archives.

Case Study

The figure concludes the result in compressing 2 similar files (as in daily usual scenario, a powerpoint document is being reviewed and modified, with only minor difference between the master copy and the reviewed copy.)
In terms of the data backup or housekeeping, the large proportion in content between the two files will result in a redundant storage and hence a waste of disk or tape space. With the optimization over duplicated contents on both file and data level, Reasonable Archiver, using the dedupe technology in NoClone, compresses the 2 files into an archive (.rz) with total size over 25% less with respect to traditional zip approach (.zip).
The performance of such compression ratio enhancement varies in different scenario, and will even generate better result in some other applications (e.g. Daily backup of systems, log housekeeping...etc)


  • Smaller archive size with the aid of dedupe, saves storage space
  • Better performance by avoiding redundant processing on duplicated contents
  • Ideal for backup purposes
  • The more files you compress, the smaller archive is
To enjoy the enhanced compression,
Download Reasonable Archiver 1.1 now
Regarding any question about Reasonable Archiver, please feel free to contact us:
Other new release
Reasonable Anti-phishing software
Protect your PayPal, eBay and online banking accounts from identity theft.
Download now!  (Free)

Best wishes,
Archiver Authors

Reasonable Software House Limited
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