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  Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
 立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉 

WK LO's LegCo Express
(October 2013)

1.  Domestic free television programme service licences
On 6 Nov, a motion was moved at LegCo to invoke the Powers and Privileges Ordinance to force ExCo to reveal details of documents on its decision to deny Hong Kong Television Network (HKTV) a free television programme service licence. Though I thought the Government should give the public a clear explanation on the decision, the motion would damage ExCo’s credibility and confidentiality rule, so I voted against the motion. I also stressed in my speech on “Domestic free television programme service licences” that the Government should formulate a long-term local TV industry development strategy and planning, including free TV and Pay TV, as well as network TV, to ensure sustainable development on TV industry.  

2. Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2013
The urban, New Territories (NT) and Lantau taxi trades submitted applications in January 2013 for increasing their respective flagfall and incremental charges which would result in an average fare increase of 7.11% for urban taxis, 9.04% for NT taxis and 8.83% for Lantau taxis. To give effect to the approved fare adjustments for the taxis, the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 was gazetted on 11 October 2013. Subject to negative vetting by the LegCo, the new fares will take effect from 8 December 2013. At the meeting of the House Committee, Members agreed to form a subcommittee to study the Amendment Regulation 2013 and I have joined the subcommittee in October. 

3. Toys and Children’s Products Safety (Amendment) Bill 2013
The public is concerned with the possible health hazards posed to children by phthalates that may be contained in plasticized materials in certain toys and children’s products. To ensure that our regime is on par with those in advanced economies in protecting children from exposure to phthalates and prevent Hong Kong from becoming the dumping ground for non-compliant products, the Government proposes to impose controls on the maximum amount of six types of phthalates in certain toys and children’s products. For this purpose, a Bills Committee on Toys and Children's Products Safety (Amendment) Bill 2013 was set up to look into the details. I also joined this Bills Committee on October. 

4. Discussion on country park enclaves
Based on an assessment of principles and criteria for designating country parks, three country park enclaves at Sai Wan, Kam Shan and Yuen Tun were identified to be included into country parks. The Subcommittee on Country Parks (Designation) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2013 held a public hearing meeting to listen to the concerns aroused in the society. I requested the Government’s explanation on the reason for incorporating Sai Wan Enclaves into Country Park, instead of issuing Outline Zoning Plan under Town Planning Ordinance (TPO). The Government responded that although statutory town plans would set out the land use framework and make provision for planning enforcement, the Planning Department or the Town Planning Board would not allocate resources for habitat/amenity improvement. Since Sai Wan can be protected under Country Park Ordinance, there is no justification for preparing Outline Zoning Plan for Sai Wan under the TPO. The Subcommittee has agreed to put forward an amendment to the Order, by taking way the clause related to the Sai Wan enclaves. 

5. Establishment of a Harbourfront Authority
The Government proposed setting up a dedicated statutory Harbourfront Authority to press ahead with harbourfront development in a holistic manner with an innovative mindset and a more flexible management approach. As the proposal involves substantial financial commitment and vesting of valuable public resources in a new statutory body, wide community support would be essential for its success. Therefore, a two-phase Public Engagement Exercise is conducting now. At the LegCo Panel meeting, I asked the Government to explain on the role and responsibility of Harbourfront Authority as well as to give clear definition of harbourfront. The Government said the Authority has to bear both social and commercial agenda with dedicated resources and sole priority, to pursue integrated planning, design, construction, operation and management of harbourfront projects in a holistic manner. 

6. BPA launched its first internship program this summer
Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong launched its first internship program this summer. Over a dozen of interns joined the program and experienced the team spirit as well as the work atmosphere. In the summer internship program, interns were given opportunities to visit the districts to better understand people’s needs. They will also organise various events and be responsible for coordination, promotion and design duties.  I joined some events, shared with the interns about LegCo works and hoped the whole series of training and events will nurture future politicians for Hong Kong. 

Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
12 November, 2013
 Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express 
  Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
Room 709, 7/F, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong 
香港中區立法會道1號 立法會綜合大樓7樓709室
Tel 電話 : 2539 0610  | Fax 傳真 : 2539 0621 
 Email 電郵 : wklo@engineer.com  | Website 網頁: www.irdrwklo.hk