Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
Dec 2013
1. Funding approved at the meetings of PWSC
At the recent meetings of Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) which I chaired, three main funding applications were approved. Members endorsed the funding request of a one-off grant of $13 billion to the Hospital Authority for minor works projects, including improvement works, regular maintenance and preparatory works for major capital works projects. Another application of $12.23 billion for 2014-15 for the block allocations under the Capital Works Reserve Fund was passed as well. The increased project estimate for Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link by $7.93 billion from $28.1 billion to $36.04 billion was endorsed too. But the budget request of construction of new broadcasting house for RTHK at Tseung Kwan O was opposed by members. Members expressed concern over the construction cost for the new building - which rose from HK$1.6 billion in 2009 to HK$6.06 billion. They commented that RTHK should clearly explain the construction cost increase and whether the size and design of the proposed building would be in line with the future production plan.
2. Enhancing the railway service in the Northwest New Territories
The Government has put forward a number of proposals on railway development in the ‘Railway Development Strategy 2000’, but the decision is yet to be made. In this connection, I amended the motion of “Enhancing the railway service in the Northwest New Territories” in LegCo on 11 December and urged the Government to, by comprehensively considering factors such as Hong Kong’s long-term population development trends, land and housing supplies and overall urban infrastructure planning etc., and based on the findings of the public consultation on ‘Our Future Railway’, expeditiously review and formulate Hong Kong’s long-term railway development blueprint, and implement the planning concerned in a practical and orderly manner, so as to ensure Hong Kong’s sustainable development. The original motion and my amendment got supports from the LegCo members and were passed.
3. The policy on 'enclaves'
The Government adopted the practice of covering the enclaves of Hoi Ha, Pak Lap and So Lo Pun by Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs), but a similar enclave Sai Wan, which is an active village, is incorporated into country park. I put forward an amendment to the motion of “The policy on enclaves” in LegCo and urged the Government to apply the same criteria for properly dealing with enclaves on the premise of seeking a proper balance among factors such as protecting private ownership, promoting environmental conservation, upholding the rule of law, and ensuring overall consistency in planning; to adopt the approach of OZPs to deal with enclaves with “village-type development” and involving private ownership, and undertake specific planning, so as to reduce the damage to the country parks; to honor the pledge made to villagers in enclaves to respect and properly handle the issue of private ownership. The original motion and all amendments were negatived on 6 December as they were not agreed by a majority of each of the two groups of members present.
4. Oral question regarding inter-floor water seepage in buildings
As the processing of water seepage complaints entails the use of public resources, I raised an oral question on 18 December regarding the inter-floor water seepage cases and asked the authorities if they have any specific measure to prevent abuse of the complaint mechanism and eradicate false reports. As some professionals have pointed out to me that under certain circumstances, wrong conclusions on the sources of water seepage would be derived from the colour water tests currently adopted by the department, I asked if the department is exploring more effective methods for water seepage investigations. The Government replied that they could intervene in water seepage cases only if statutory authority may be exercised under the relevant legislation. With the assistance of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, the department is exploring the feasibility of tracing the source of water seepage through real-time monitoring of the water consumption and variation in the moisture content of the seepage spot in the premises suspected to be the source of water seepage. They have tried to apply the equipment for infrared imaging and microwave 3-D moisture modeling to facilitate identification of seepage source in more complicated cases. Please click the link below to view the question:
5. Site visit to the West Kowloon Cultural District
Legislative Council Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project conducted a site visit on the connectivity of the West Kowloon Cultural District with its surrounding areas on 17 December. Accompanied by the representatives of the Home Affairs Bureau and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, members observed the future links to Xiqu Centre (including underground and deck level) and commented on the design of the Centre. Members were also briefed on the locations of the future M+, footbridge to M+ and the Park, and visited the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, the Park and Arts Pavilion.
6. Site visit to the Sha Tin Refuse Transfer Station
The LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs conducted a site visit to the Sha Tin Refuse Transfer Station on 19 December to view the waste sorting operation under the Waste Composition Survey. Members first received a briefing on the operations of the Refuse Transfer Station and the process of Waste Composition Survey. Accompanied by the officials of the Environmental Protection Department, members then toured the waste tipping hall to observe the process of sorting and weighing of waste. Waste Composition Surveys are conducted every year at various waste facilities to obtain field data for estimating the composition of waste disposed of. Such information is useful in formulating the strategic management plan for municipal waste in Hong Kong.

II. Articles Published
Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
10 Jan, 2014
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
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