Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
April 2014
1. Responses to the Budget 2014
In the LegCo debate of 2014 Budget on 9 April, I pointed out in my speech that the overall view of the Budget is pragmatic and prudent. Financial Secretary announced the Budget 2014-15 with competitiveness as its main theme. In order to enhance the status of Hong Kong as an international hub, the Government did invest in hard and soft infrastructures. This Budget is far-sighted to put forth a financial forecast, reminding the community about a possible structural deficit in the future. I pointed out that the Government should take a holistic approach to promote industry development. The re-initiation of Innovation and Technology Bureau is a positive response to the voice of the industry. I hope LegCo members and the community will support the establishment of ITB so as to enhance overall competitiveness of HK. In the long run, I urged the CE to formulate a comprehensive and long-term industrial development strategy.
The environmental protection industry could become our next economic bright spot if there are appropriate policies to promote it. I indicated in my speech that the Government must provide economic incentives, lands, funding and technical support for the establishment of modern recycling facilities. Regarding waste management, I pointed out that we could take reference of foreign experiences to set up integrated waste reduction, collection, disposal, recycling, and treatment system, turning Hong Kong into a regional environmental technology centre and green city.
In support of the construction projects in the future to meet the housing supply and infrastructural needs, the Government should make proper long-term planning, project financial commitment involved and manpower requirement, and ensure sufficient professional civil service grades and resources allocation. The Government should take into account various factors such as transport facilities, community development and environment optimization when formulating lands and housing policies. I will continue to urge the Government to ensure proper co-ordination among related government departments.
To view my full speech, please use the following link:
2. Establishment of the Innovation and Technology Bureau
The Alliance to Fight for Technology Bureau, which was set up in January, conducted a questionnaire recently to gather public opinions towards the establishment of the ITB. A press conference was held on 2 May and feedback was positive in supporting of establishment of the ITB. The Information and Technology and Broadcasting Panel met on 3 May to listen to the views from the public on the Government’s proposal to establish the ITB. There was a very strong voice from the meeting to urge the Government to establish the ITB as soon as possible. Two motions proposed respectively by the Hon Charles Mok and the Hon Dr Elizabeth QUAT, which urged the Government to establish the ITB expeditiously, passed at the meeting.

3. Raised question on industrial accidents involving crane lorries
Regarding industrial accidents involving crane lorries, I raised a written question and requested the Government to provide statistics on the causes of the accidents and if any improvement measures are taken to regulate operation of heavy-duty lifting machinery. The Government responded that the Labour Department has stepped up inspections and enforcement actions against lifting operations. In the first quarter this year, the Department conducted a special enforcement operation targeting construction sites with lifting operations, resulting in the issue of 70 legal notices and initiation of 46 prosecutions. The Department promised to review from time to time the existing codes of practice relevant to lifting operations and the safety training course for crane operators, enhance the safety of lifting operations through site inspections.
To view my question and the answer from the administration, please use the following link:
4. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Bill
The Law Reform Commission (LRC) of Hong Kong published the report on “Privity of Contract” in September 2005 recommending a reform of the doctrine of privity of contract by way of a detailed legislative scheme. One aspect of the doctrine of privity is that a person cannot acquire and enforce rights under a contract to which the person is not a party. This prevents effect from being given to the contracting parties’ intention to benefit a third party. The LRC recommended reforming this aspect of the doctrine of privity. So the administration proposed to introduce the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Bill so as to implement the recommendations of the LRC with certain necessary modifications. A Committee was set up in April and I have joined the Committee.
5. LegCo delegation to Shanghai in April
The LegCo delegation to Shanghai, consists of 56 LegCo members, was conducted from 12 to 13 April. During the two-day visit, Delegation members met with senior officials of Shanghai Municipality, visited the Shanghai Hongqiao Central Business District and Integrated Transportation Hub, the aircraft manufacturing site of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, and attended a seminar on international developments and foreign policies. Members attended the meeting on Hong Kong's political development and expressed their views to the Central Government officials on the election methods of the CE by universal suffrage in 2017.

II. Articles Published
Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
7 May, 2014
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
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