Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
WK LO's LegCo Express
December 2014
I. Highlights
1. The construction sector appealed to pan-democrats to stop filibustering
The Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union together with the Resident Site Staff Association passed a petition letter to me and some other LegCo members on 5 Jan 2015 and urged the pan-democrats to stop filibustering. The filibustering has caused serious delay in funding approval of public works. It makes the construction sector worry that there would be a substantial drop in the amount of public works projects, which would affect the jobs of employees in the industry and would hurt the livelihood of the society.

2. Chairman report on the Bills Committee on Construction Workers Registration (Amendment) Bill 2014
As the Chairman of the Bills Committee, I delivered a report on the deliberations of the Bills Committee at the LegCo meeting on 17 December 2014. Four meetings were held to discuss the Bill by reference to trade division, senior workers registration arrangement, proposed exemption works, and administration of the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance. The amended Bill is expected to enhance competitiveness of the construction industry. The Bill was passed at the LegCo meeting on 18 Dec 2014.
3. Raised oral question regarding importation of workers of construction industry
The Government has rolled out enhancement measure since April 2014 to expedite the preparatory works for the Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS) applications involving 26 trades with manpower shortage submitted by contractors for public works. I raised a question at the LegCo meeting on 17 Dec and asked whether the authorities will expeditiously review the SLS, relax the various restrictions on labour importation, as well as conduct comprehensive review of the policy on importation of construction workers. The Government replied that they will continue to maintain close liaison with the industry to explore further enhancements on importation of workers so as to fulfill the needs of the industry.
Please visit the link below of my question and reply from the Government:
4. Raised question regarding employers' provision of documentary proofs of the work experience of employees
At present, there is no statutory requirement for employers to provide documentary proofs of work experience upon the requests of employees or former employees. I asked the authorities at the LegCo meeting on 3 Dec if they have assessed the difficulties faced by the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applicants in obtaining such documents, and if they will review the existing legislation to perfect the relevant registration system and the RPL mechanism. The Government replied that there is no practical need to amend the regulation and the assessment agency has accepted other references in cases where employees are unable to produce documentary proofs of work experience issued by their employers for various reasons. The Government is of the view that the prevailing arrangements have put in place due flexibility.
Please visit the link below of my question and reply from the Government:
5. Increasing upward mobility opportunities for young people
The motion of “Increasing upward mobility opportunities for young people” was moved at the LegCo meeting on 17 Dec. Members urged the Government to care about the aspirations of young people, formulate feasible policies and measures, and enhance the relevant training and support, so as to increase upward mobility opportunities for young people. I also urged the Government to formulate balanced and visionary policies to stimulate growth of different industrial sectors; to provide more internships and job training opportunities for young people to build career path; and to address their needs of home acquisition.
6. Adhering to the need to 'put Hong Kong people first' in formulating policies
The motion of “Adhering to the need to ‘put Hong Kong people first’ in formulating policies” was moved at the LegCo meeting on 10 Dec 2014. I stressed in my speech that it is understandable to put Hong Kong people first when allocating public resources. But at the same time, we must remain vigilant to avoid the other extreme. The large-scale cross-border infrastructure projects are not “white elephants”, and the efforts and contributions of our engineers in ensuring sustainable development of our society are undeniable.
II. Articles Published
1. 警隊執法豈容抹黑 2014年12月11日 《文匯報》
Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, BBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
9 Jan, 2015
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, BBS, JP
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