1. Stop filibustering Parade on 8 March
The filibustering in the LegCo has caused serious delay in funding approval of public works. The construction sector is very worried that should the situation not improve, there would be a substantial drop in the amount of public works when the projects on hand are completed. This would affect the jobs of employees in the industry and would hurt the livelihood of the society. A “Stop Filibustering” Parade will be held by the Construction Industry Alliance on 8 March (Sunday) 2015 to express their discontent against filibustering in the LegCo.
The parade will start from Chater Garden at 2pm on 8 March (Sun). Please feel free to proceed to that area to join the parade.

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2. Responses to the Budget 2015-16
The Government announced a package of HK$34 billion to alleviate financial burden of the public, which is a 70% rise from last year’s Budget. Salaries tax, tax under personal assessment and profits tax will be reduced by 75%, capped at HK$20,000. Some 3.15 million private property owners will also see a rates waiver for the first two quarters of the next financial year. Basic and additional child allowance is increased from HK$70,000 to HK$100,000 from 2015-2016 onward. I welcome the measures proposed by the Government to return some of the large fiscal surplus to taxpayers, as well as those measures to increase Hong Kong’s competitiveness and tackle the increasing financial burden on business sectors. The Government’s care for the middle class and the relief measures are key to social stability and people’s confidence in the future.
The Government also replied my letter regarding Budget 2015-16. Please visit the link below for more details:
Reply letter from the Government
3. New Innovation and Technology Bureau funding request failed
The Finance Committee on 14 February 2015 failed to vote on a HK$35 million funding request to set up a new Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB) after some lawmakers spent hours dwelling on the agenda. The funding approval process would have to start all over again and that means the establishing of the ITB may face yet more months of delay. Professionals from the technology sector gathering at the LegCo building on 30 Jan and on 14 Feb to protest against filibustering on the new ITB funding request. Both the sector and I hope the Innovation and Technology Bureau will be established soon, so that Hong Kong won’t miss the great opportunity to build a knowledge based economy.
4. Second round public consultation on constitutional development: method for selecting the CE in 2017
On 11 Feb 2015, I participated in the forum on constitutional development held by the HK Development Forum to discuss on the method for selecting the CE in 2017. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam was invited to address the forum. It is a general view of the attendants that the implementation of universal suffrage of the CE election in 2017 as scheduled and according to the law will be another important milestone for implementing the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", and will have far-reaching significance and impact on our country and Hong Kong.
5. Completion of scrutiny of the District Cooling Services Bill
The Bills Committee completed the scrutiny of the District Cooling Services Bill and the Administration's proposed Committee Stage Amendments at its meeting on 26 February 2015. The Administration has indicated its intention to resume the Second Reading debate on the Bill at the Council meeting of 25 March 2015. As the Chairman of the Bills Committee, I will report the deliberations of the Bills Committee to the House Committee at its meeting on 13 March 2015.
6. Visit to district cooling system at Kai Tak Development
As the Chairman of the LegCo Bills Committee on District Cooling Services Bill, I led a visit with some LegCo members to the Kai Tak Development on 24 Feb 2015 to observe the operation of the district cooling system (DCS). Members first received a briefing on the operation of the northern plant of DCS by representatives of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and then visited the control room and the plant. Members also visited the DCS substation of the Ching Long Shopping Centre to observe the related facilities providing cooling services to its users.
7. Brought fun to district residents in Chinese New Year
To enhance the festive atmosphere of the Year of the RAM, I showed up in Mei Fu and Tai Po on 21 Feb with the Hon Christopher Cheung and other members of the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong as the Chinese legendary Gods of Fortune and Prosperity to distribute “lai-see” (red packets) to residents. We dressed up in the celestial costume to bring fun, fortune and happiness to the community.