Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
立法會盧偉國議員〈功能界別 ─ 工程界〉
WK LO's LegCo Express
July 2015
I. Highlights
1. Lead-contamination incident in public housing estates
The lead-contamination incident has spread to more public housing estates, which aroused pubic concern and fear on residents’ health as well as water safety. Together with some other LegCo members and district councillors, I met the Under Secretary for Transport and Housing on 16 July to express views and suggestions on the issue. I recommended the Government to install pipes for temporary supply from water tanks at the roof top to each floor of the affected buildings, should the water in the tanks be proven safe. I also suggested checking the types of domestic water filters that could effectively filter lead ions and consider installing such filters for the affected households.
As there are already three task forces to investigate this incident, I don’t think the legCo should form a select committee to repeat the work at this stage, but may be considered later depending on outcomes of the current investigation. The most pressing matter of the moment is to find out the source of contamination to ensure residents’ health.

2. Appointed member of the Review Committee on Quality Assurance Issues Relating to Fresh Water Supply of Public Housing Estates
I was appointed member of the Review Committee on Quality Assurance Issues Relating to Fresh Water Supply of Public Housing Estates by the Hong Kong Housing Authority on 24 July. The Review Committee will review the present arrangements for quality control and monitoring in relation to the installation of fresh water supply systems in public housing estates; will review various aspects of quality inspection relating to materials used (including prefabricated components), quality inspection and works supervision at different stages of construction; and will report findings to the HA and recommend any improvement in procedures/guidelines and follow-up actions as necessary.
3. Funding request for the establishment of the Innovation and Technology Bureau is on hold
The funding request for the establishment of the Innovation and Technology Bureau is on hold until at least October, after adjournment of the Finance Committee for the summer break, despite the fact that the Committee had allocated extra time for debates on funding requests for various projects. A group of practitioners in the technology sector signed a joint letter to condemn the filibustering that has caused further delay in setting up the ITB, hurting Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

4. Forum on “Action Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control”
Together with several environmental concern groups, I organized a forum on “Action Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control” (or known as the “Water Ten Plan”) on 18 July to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the Plan, which was issued by the State Council in April this year. The Action Plan clearly sets out the directions and targets, with associated policy framework and enforcement details, to strengthen water management and pollution prevention in the mainland. The Vice-president of the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Professor Wu Shun Ze was invited to share his valuable insights in the subject and the forum was well attended.
5. Met the construction representatives regarding the “Security of Payment” Legislation for Construction Industry
On 16 July, I met the representatives of the Registered Minor Works Contractor Signatory Association to discuss on the “Security of Payment” Legislation for Construction Industry. The Government proposes to improve payment practices in the industry by legislating on payment rights and adjudication to resolve disputes. The representatives expressed that they supported the proposal but urged the extension of the idea to the private sector.

Ir Dr Hon WK Lo, SBS, MH, JP
Member of Legislative Council (Functional Constituency - Engineering)
7 August, 2015
Previous Issues of WK LO's LegCo Express
Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, SBS, JP 盧偉國議員 博士 工程師, SBS, JP
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